Friday, June 19, 2009

Cherries have arrived!

I like food that takes a little bit of work to eat. Maybe that’s why I always had a bag of sunflower seeds in my back pocket when I played little league baseball. Diligently cracking each shell then eating the seed was its own little sense of accomplishment. Now, carefully eating the flesh of a sweet cherry and spitting out the pit gives me a similar sense of satisfaction. Working around the pit gives you an extra few seconds to truly savor the flavor of each cherry. I guess that's why I was so excited at the end of last week when I realized sweet cherry season had arrived.

On top of their excellent flavor, the health benefits of sweet cherries have been given a lot of attention in the news over the past few years. Most of the news centers on the antioxidant properties that are present in all cherries, specifically natural chemicals called anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant, which give cherries their rich red hue. Antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals in the blood and help to prevent damage to cells are believed to protect against cancers of the digestive tract. They also protect against heart disease, act as an anti-inflammatory, and promote good sleep.

Here in Adams County, PA, Boyer Nurseries and Orchards are well known for their several varieties of delicious sweet cherries. Their fresh fruit season has just begun as they are now offering pick-your-own cherries as well as blueberries. Check out their website for more information.

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